Muchos nuevos o futuros Padres (al Hombre-Padre me refiero ) , en el instante que han tomado la decision de recibir un nuevo ser, se han encontrado que ” no existe… Read More »
The Art of self negotiation, the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) science apply to yourself and your every day regular job and common life activities they will give to you the potential…
The Art of self negotiation, the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) science apply to yourself and your every day regular job and common life activities they will give to you the potential… Read More »
Muchas personas en el mundo hablan de la importancia de SABER NEGOCIAR ó mejor dicho CERRAR una Negociación hoy en día, cualquiera que ésta sea: de lo mas sencillo hasta lo más complicado en tu día.
This is again another HORROR-STORIES’tale from my personal GALLERY about some myths of ancient genius lived and still governed the educational rooms deeply on the University class rooms of this globe.
This is current year 2300 before new Christian era in Xochicalco Palace City (a hught and magnificent archaeological Mexican Ancient City placed around 45km from Cuernavaca Morelos estate), and once upon a time one day as every day at…