Me llamo Papel… today I m living in “Zihua” (Mexico) in my personal project doing homework, but since five years ago, she still there living there with Marco, her Mexicano boyfriend.
Roberto was dreaming about some place where every thing is quiet, beatiful, planty of light… and at magic moment he was one step before kiss that magin girl form his dream..
This is my free aportation to the World with this course, then it is for you, you Wide world Citizen from all the Globe, not necessary only from English native language, also for…
This is my free aportation to the World with this course, then it is for you, you Wide world Citizen from all the Globe, not necessary only from English native language, also for… Read More »
La sensación era como formar parte del “le club des intellectuels de l’illustration aux Mexique au peut être le ré-nouvel boum literair” … ésto dentro de la gran bibilioteca Francesa del IFAL(por la embajada…
La sensación era como formar parte del “le club des intellectuels de l’illustration aux Mexique au peut être le ré-nouvel boum literair” … ésto dentro de la gran bibilioteca Francesa del IFAL(por la embajada… Read More »
Muchos nuevos o futuros Padres (al Hombre-Padre me refiero ) , en el instante que han tomado la decision de recibir un nuevo ser, se han encontrado que ” no existe… Read More »
The Art of self negotiation, the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) science apply to yourself and your every day regular job and common life activities they will give to you the potential…
The Art of self negotiation, the NLP (Neuro Linguistic Program) science apply to yourself and your every day regular job and common life activities they will give to you the potential… Read More »
Muchas personas en el mundo hablan de la importancia de SABER NEGOCIAR ó mejor dicho CERRAR una Negociación hoy en día, cualquiera que ésta sea: de lo mas sencillo hasta lo más complicado en tu día.
Si haz seguido mis guias sobre la programación SHELL , podras dominar la programación Shell de forma fácil, sino te invito a que te Siscribas a mi Canal Mojomexico Programacion Facil aqui mismo para que recibas tu… Read More »
This is again another HORROR-STORIES’tale from my personal GALLERY about some myths of ancient genius lived and still governed the educational rooms deeply on the University class rooms of this globe.