Aged Mexicain ancestors knowledge of hight tecnology part one

This is current year 2300 before new Christian era in Xochicalco Palace City (a hught and magnificent archaeological Mexican Ancient City placed around 45km from Cuernavaca Morelos estate), and once upon a time one day as every day at that time   was a quite and charming day, relax time when the forest and jungle, lagoons and trees provide  there all as free fresh food natural, and people toke from the canyons water direct fresh clean drink , also the good for cooking your food just as easy, and men and every one into the family talk only one language, NATURAL GOD LANGUAGE : NAHUATL (according with the sciences, Nahuatl was the Language provided to mens ans wimens direct from God (or Gods) in the beginner of our early civilizations just like that…

(Nahuatl common conversation)


Se soatsintle an se tlagatsintle omonamigke techin ojtle, in tlagatsintle
oguiljui: -¿kenotimotlatjuilti?- in
soatsintle oguinankili: -kual-le
tlasojkamati uelmiak- in tlagatsintle oksepa oguiljui: – ¿kenin timotoga?- – ne notoga Xochitl- oguijto in
soatsintle –an niu ni atlagüitin atlajko,
kenin timotoga?- ne notoga Pablo
an niu nikuajkuitin kojtlan- oguijto in
tlagatsintle, an inuan omoljuijke
– man teotl mits mogüiguilijtsino-.

…. (Ref: Diccionario español-náhuatl de Hueyapan)…

Una señora y un señor se encontraron
en el camino, el señor le dijo: -¿Cómo
amaneciste?- la señora le contestó:
-bien muchas gracias – el señor otra
vez le dijo; -¿Cómo te llamas?- Yó me
llamo Flor- dijo la señora- y voy a traer
agua a la barranca, ¿Cómo te llamas?
– Yó me llamo Pablo y voy a traer leña
al monte dijo el señor y ambos se
dijeron – que dios te acompañe-.


One day a Man and a lady founded in the route, the Man said :

How was your night, did you rest?

Lady answer: fine, than you

Man again:

What is your name ?

My name is “Flor” (flower)

.. and i m going to canyon to bring water said the Lady,

.. my name is “Pablo” the man said,

.. and i m going to bring good into the montain

God bless you and every one walked out his current route.


Un homme et une femme on á trouvait dans la route ,

l’homme parole:

Quel’etait ton matain?

La famme a bien repondue:

bien merci,

et l’home une fois plus:

quel’est ton nom?

Je m’appelle “Flor” (fleur)

et je vais a le canyon pour l’eaux

.. (l’homme dit) Je m’appelle Pablo et je vais a la montangue pour bois (pour chauffer le poele)

Q’el noutre dieux nous acompagne… les deux on ‘a dit et continue son route.

Xochicalco City

First Unresolved Inquirer til today?

Xochicalco (means The House of Flowers in Nahuatl ( Xoxitl:flower, Calli:house, co:place) today still placed around into explendid place in the top terrain with 300h sqr2 area pleanty of magestius Piramides perfectly preserved , when you arraive it 1km before you can percive on 40 or 50mts top a big area pleanty of explendid palaces builded by special rocks with perfect simetry and very Heavy (tons) also every similiar like itat around all Mexico full are ( but in this location of the center in Mexico was building the most bigest and extraordinar architech Piramids until the point of Cancun and Cozumel and Guatemala too).

None have a real explanation how those heavy Rocks has carried from long distances into those elevate areas, even if any ancient movie show a “long men slaves with gross ropes carring gross tons-rocks… WHIT OUT HELP OF ANIMALS of CARRIER ?

It is obvious those people knowledge the use of carried animal on his zone, the books-researchs of history talked about “they don’t know he horses or .. the horses was bringed from first Europeans … bushtit! was a big mistake.

Thar is my Theory we will call it Sergio Romo Thereme:


When i was young student early in my basic scholarship into Mathematic and Phisic class, my teacher one day disposse to me: The laws of Newton ( let me clear this, i m not a consumer Mathematiciant and not nearly be one, i m just a humble Programmer of Computer Systems who try to resolve some incognities about that kind of stuffs) ; into my humble undestanding and according with experts, the GRAVITY AS A CONSTANT where anothers facts have to take care include in they calculations… like put that constant into every equation like a best trick of David Copperfil when he disapear and appear a woman or an elefant.

But according with the Einsten Theory : the universe is in constant movement UP or DOWN into the Univers and the Entiry Galaxy same way… figure it that you flush your toillet infintely and the wather never finish form teh cabit-wather, we are alway in a Dinamic Movement (slowly not like the forze of your toillet or maybe yes that is a sensention evey human can’t percive becaue is our regular estate living into the globe.

That last make me more sense: lile as the flush water rotation into the CENTER of tolillet, none think into that sinergy change its possion except if it is voluntary, like own forze … to my THAT IS THE GRAVITY or must better SINERGY to make corps fall, each human and animals around the planet fell to heath always.

SECOND: There are anothers forces includes ?

Yes, there are, the MAGNETIC forces.

And exactly it is my point on this reflexion…