
Roberto was dreaming about some place where every thing is quiet, beatiful, planty of light… and at magic moment he was one step before kiss that magin girl form his dream..

Roberto despierta… vienes hasta la madre de borracho y hueles a cantina… Roberto weakup you are drunk and smell like a shit… get out from my class now.. salte de la clase ahora y no vayas a ponerte insolente de nuevo o voy a pedir al prefecto que te saquen de nuevo de la Escuela!… una , dos..

that was the same magic words since six months (last six of last scholar year) that Roberto hearted before quit as soon as possible with not fail steps before quit fast the French class room in his last ending year of Mexico City High School in “La Roma” … early on the morning heigh am Wednesday.

Roberto has only 17 years old since week acomplish, with a lot of social dislakes after two diferents years as student before, the first year Roberto was an excelent and top leader distinglish student in that UVM (“Union de Vorrachos Machos con V de Burros que no saben ni escribir la palabra borrachos” (that means Machos Alcoholic Uniion pleanty of illiterate)

, that is the friendship all students named his prestigius educative center…

The second year spent exactly as the Society school “entourage” spected: bounch of rich teenagers wih out any clue all them living out of real working life: ” una bola de niñitos que sólo tienen el dinero facil…” .

Heavy change in the common cense of Roberto, maybe was in consecuence of desgrase to be denigration every day afert school : “que tanto estudian, pinche estudio pa’ que les va a servir…los va a volver mas idiotas.” from “dad”.

However the hugh temptations of easy money at that early age produce: lot of fake friends , the fake love of fake life.

Not mather if you are the most famous athlete, boxing player , artist or a thirt class mediocre student: with a bunch of money the same shit pounch direct on your mouth and let you at the end empty, like same sensation after a drogue effects.

Maybe was a lot of presion from that circumstance of maybe was the first sign of weakness for a young man around seventeen with out any other chance to do next move:

Still continue like this as every day drunk man,

or retake his own life control …

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